Our Price List
Examinatons | Currently Registered Patients | £33.00 |
New Patients Examinatons | Registration (Doesn't include radiographs) | £36.00 |
Emergency Appointment | Consultation Only (Doesn't include radiographs) | £30.00 |
Radiographs | Small Intra-oral X-rays | £10.00 |
Hygienist Services | Hygienist Supportive Treatment | £63.00 |
Hygienist Extended Treatment | £73.50 | |
Hygienist Supportive Treatment including Airflow | £72.00 | |
Root Surface Debridement | £84.00 | |
Direct Access | £78.00 | |
Extractions | Extraction (Non-Surgical) | £110.00 - £160.00 |
Complex/Surgical Extraction | £210.00 - £260.00 | |
Root Canal Treatment | Incisors, Canines | £275.00 |
Single Root Premolars | £275.00 | |
Double Root Premolars | £315.00 | |
Molars | £485.00 | |
Fillings | Silver Amalgam (Occlusal) | £110.00 |
Silver Amalgam (MO) | £120.00 | |
Silver Amalgam (MOD) | £150.00 | |
White Fillings (Occlusal) | £110.00 | |
White Fillings (MO) | £130.00 | |
White Fillings (MOD) | £160.00 | |
GIC | £55.00 - £75.00 | |
Riva GIC | £80.00 | |
Veneers | Porcelain Veneers | From £650.00 |
Crown | E max | £650.00 |
Zirconia Monolithic | £550.00 | |
Zirconia Layered | £600.00 | |
Porclain bonded to metal | £600.00 | |
Metal Crown | £500.00 | |
Gold Crown | £700.00 | |
Bridge | Porcelain Bonded Bridge | On Consultation |
Maryland Bridge | On Cosultation | |
Dentures | Addition of Tooth to Existing Denture | £185.00 (additional tooth @ £70.00 each) |
Full Upper or Lower Acrylic | £800.00 | |
Full Upper and Lower Acrylic | £1260.00 | |
Repair of Upper or Lower Denture | £185.00 - £210.00 | |
Repair of Upper and Lower Denture | £230.00 - £300.00 | Partial Denture | Acrylic Upper or Lower | £600.00 - £700.00 |
Acrylic upper and lower | £1100.00 - £1300.00 | |
Co-Cr Upper or Lower | £1050.00 - £1250.00 | |
Co-Cr Upper and Lower | £1450.00 - £1550.00 | |
Valplast Upper or Lower Denture | £725.00 - £800.00 | |
Valplast Upper and Lower Denture | £1260 - £1400.00 | |
Mouth Guard | Clear Mouth Guard | From £140.00 |
Sports Guard (Coloured) clear | From £195.00 | |
Colour and name | From £200 | |
Implant | On Consultation | |
Orthodontics | Quick Straight Teeth | On Consultation |
Invisalign/Clear Aligners | On Consultation | |
Tooth Whitening | On Consultation | |
Dermal Fillers | On Consultation |